It has been the tradition of the sock monkeys to always hold a celebration in honor of the departing sock monkeys. So it was, that this morning, all the monkeys headed for their favorite tree to party! They did indulge me in this one group photo, before resuming their frolicking. The lucky monkeys who found forever families today were Eunice and Blossom. Blossom had only arrived at the orphanage in the wee hours of the morning this morning, so we hardly got a chance to know her before she was waving fare-well! But, we know her cousin, Lily, so well that we almost felt like we knew Blossom, too, before she even arrived! Eunice said she hopes her cousin, Lambchop (recently moved to Nome, Alaska) will check the blog and see that she has a home, now, too!

The other monkeys gave Blossom a butterfly necklace as a farewell gift. For Eunice, they chose a sheepy vest (since Eunice had admired pictures of Lambchop wearing her sheepy poncho before she departed for Nome)! Blossom and Eunice were very pleased with their going away presents!

(Oh, and in case you are wondering why GROVER did not get included as a guest of honor since he was adopted yesterday...it is because, much to the angst of the orphanage DIRECTOR, Miss Darcy decided to adopt Grover for her own. WHICH MEANS...Grover will CONTINUE LIVING HERE AT THE ORPHANAGE FOREVER along with the much sweeter Zeke, Kevin, and Lily. This is a very difficult situation. Grover continues to be a bad influence on the other monkeys and Darcy does not seem to give him the CONSTANT supervision that a monkey of his caliber NEEDS! We are STILL cleaning up trash out of our front lawn from last Tuesday morning...it seems that SOMEONE thought it would be HILARIOUS to sneak out and cut the bottoms out of each of the trash bags after Grant placed them at the curb....so, of course, when the trashman went to sling the bag into the back of the truck, trash flew EVERYWHERE. At least we have our dog back home safely now (after SOMEONE opened the back gate last week, lured her out, dared her to run riotously through the neighborhood AND THEN CALLED THE DOG POUND TO REPORT HER!!!!) I (Darcy's mother and director of the orphanage) suspect that Darcy just adopted Grover so he would always be here to vex me so that I would be so busy with him that I wouldn't have the time (or energy) to reign her in!!! (Personal theory!) The other monkeys are talking about getting Grover a florescent green vest....but, maybe that isn't so much a "congratulations on being adopted" gift as it is a way of making him a little more VISIBLE so he isn't able to slip around quite so sneakily! (Again, that is just my own personal theory!)

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