We recently received an all too brief visit from our dear friend, Lisa (of Nome, Alaska)! She spent just one evening with us, but that was enough time for her to be bitten by the Sock Monkey Bug! Having three sock monkeys of her own (made by us!), it seems, is not enough for her! Lisa cut up a pair of socks and began working away on a sock monkey of her very own creation! The monkey was begun in the Ozark hills of Missouri and completed on an airplane en route back to Nome, Alaska! She e-mailed me this picture of her adorable new monkey, Virginia!

(I see Lisa co-erced Iran into helping Virginia model! I also see that Iran HAS HIS GLASSES on!!! Poor guy spent the past year without his glasses, as they were inadvertently boxed up and put in their storage unit in Kansas City when they moved to Nome, Alaska. Lisa DUG through that storage unit RELENTLESSLY until she found his glasses! In fact, she was so focused on FINDING the glasses that she actually got trapped in the unit. When I came back to the unit with a larger plastic tub for her to mail Iran's circular saw to Alaska in, I heard her voice, but, for all the world, I could not SEE her anywhere! I would have SWORN she was no longer in the unit if it hadn't been for her somewhat frantic voice assuring me she was indeed in the unit and could use a bit of help digging herself out! She was thoroughly boxed in to the furthermost corner--so tightly that she wasn't even able to stand back up until some of the boxes were pulled out, making room for her to pull herself back up! It was a funny sight! Hopefully Iran KNOWS the love that propelled his wife forward into the hazards of diving that deeply into the stacks of boxes in their storage unit!)
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