This blog is for the adoption of Sock Monkeys. 100% of each adoption fee will go to a fund for a Medical Mission Trip to El Salvador. Each monkey will have photos taken by Monica and personality profiles written by Darcy :)
Friday, May 28, 2010
These Four Monkeys are Still Wistfully Waiting to Find a Family of Their Own!
Update: Maria was adopted on 6/9/10 and Aaron was adopted on 6/12/10. Larry was adopted on 6/13/10. Emily, as well as Lilac (not shown here), is still awaiting a home and family of her own!
Darcy and her mom, Monica (a nurse), will be going on a medical mission trip with other members of First Baptist Church of Bolivar in July 2010.
All Sock Monkey proceeds (100%--nothing deducted out for supplies/shipping, etc) will go towards this mission trip.
By adopting a Sock Monkey, you not only give a deserving monkey the family he/she longs for, but you will also be touching lives in El Salvador. (Suggested donation for placement of a sock monkey has been lowered to $45 plus shipping, since the fundraiser is winding down!)
You can pay the adoption placement fee to us with acheck made out to "First Baptist Church of Bolivar". Please specify on the check that it is for the Monica and Darcy Cochran account for medical mission trip. Just e-mail us at for the address to send your check to and to specify WHICH monkey you want.)
If you would like to adopt a sock monkey or have any questions, feel free to e-mail Monica at
Darcy and Monica Will Need $2,140 total for the Medical Mission Trip....
Click on the group photo above to see the posts/pages of ALL the monkeys which have found new families!
Profiles of the Adopted Monkeys:
Emily has gone to Nome, Alaska to join her family there!
Name: Emily
Date of Arrival: 4-20-10
Unique Feature: First wool-blend monkey
Emily is perpetually curious! She is a pleasant monkey that always looks on the bright side. She has also won awards for her achievements in weight lifting. Many think she has a good chance of making the next Olympic wrestling team. She is a hardy, happy monkey!
(Matilda was all hand stitched--no sewing machine used.)
Name: Was Strawberry but has since been changed to Matilda Louise Jenkins!
About Me: Matilda is the sweetest little thing out there! She's got a sad facial expression, but she's really nice anyways. She is a brutally honest monkey, she'll tell it to you like it is! She loves to play soccer and is a part time cheerleader. In her spare time she goes shopping and buys CD's for her collection! She loves all music and she likes it loud!!
Peanut was adopted on 6/18/10 and now has a family of her own in Arizona!
All About Peanut
(Like Lilac and Strawberry before her, Peanut was completely hand stitched.)
Name: Peanut
About Me: Peanut is a very tiny little monkey! She loves the colors purple and green. She's very excitable and bounces up and down and squeals when she's excited! For a monkey of her size she can eat enough for a monkey like Larry!!! She's very proud of her burping skills, as she can out burp all the boys! She has many friends and loves to be with them. Her biggest wish is to be adopted by a family with children!!
Lilac was adopted on 6/18/10 and now has a family of her own in Arizona!
Name: Lilac
Unique Fact: Lilac is completely hand-sewn!
There's not one stitch of machine stitching on her!
About Me: Lilac loves to drive! The faster she can go, the better. She really wants a red convertible mustang, but she would be happy with any type. She wants to go to a family with a spare car for her to drive around in! She sometimes goes a teeeny tiny bit over the speed limit, but she says that speed limits are just minor details. She wants to be a NASCAR driver when she grows up!
She may be retro, but that sure doesn't hold her back one bit!
Larry was adopted 6/13/10 with a placement fee of $45 and now happily makes his home in Georgia!
All About Larry
Name: Larry
Date of Arrival: May 3, 2010
About Me: Larry is a very laid back monkey. His favorite activities are laying on the couch watching football and eating chicken wings! He always just goes with the flow. He has a very spontaneous personality and is always ready to go! His life's dream is to live on the beach and take naps in the sun! He would be a great addition to any family!
(Like his cousin, Maria, Larry originally hails from Nome, Alaska.)
(Nate is our first "upside down monkey". He was made using for his head,the cuff of the socks (which is normally the legs) and for his legs the foot of the sock (which is normally used for the head and body). He is made from size 3 toddler socks. Nate was completely stitched by hand.)
Name: Nate
About Me: Nate is everyones friend! He's smart and funny and you just love to be around him! He's always got his arms open for a hug and is a great monkey to talk to! He's an avid rock climber and skateboarder. He's always making others smile with his infectious laugh and his funny jokes. Nate loves to read and write and is quite the math whiz! He loves to watch action movies with Aaron! They particularly like X-Men and the Die Hard movies... Next, they're working on a Star Wars 1-6 marathon!
His best friend is Aaron who helps him reach the taller shelves when he just can't quite reach them!! Nate and Aaron are inseparable and are constantly hanging around each other!
Darcy (biographer of the sock monkeys and keeper of Grover) adopted Aaron (June 2010)!
All About Aaron
Name: Aaron
Date of Birth: April 30, 2010
Aaron is the smartest monkey out there!! He knows all sorts of crazy random things that nobody else does!! He is top of all his classes and loves school! He wants to be on Jeopardy later on in his life. His favorite subjects are English and Science. He really likes Chemistry and writing classes. Like all monkeys, he is super athletic! His favorite place to be is up in a tree hanging upside down. He's a very likable guy! His biggest wish is to be adopted by a loving family :)
Maria has a new home and family in Bolivar, Missouri! She went home on 6/9/10 for a placement fee of $45.
All About Maria:
Name: Maria
Date of Arrival: May 1, 2010
Unique Fact: Made from socks received from Nome, Alaska.
About Me: Maria is a very colorful monkey!! She wears some of the most colorful outfits you will ever see!! She is fluent in Spanish as well as in English. She likes to hunt and fish and enjoys riding snowmobiles! She's very athletic and enjoys all sports. She has a very bubbly personality and is friendly to all!
Sparky was placed in Bolivar on 5/28/10 for a placement fee of $35 and will soon be living in Russia!
All About Sparky:
Name: Sparky
Date of Birth: May 16, 2010
About Me: Sparky is a very unique little monkey... He loves the shock of sticking his paws in electrical sockets! Sometimes, he licks his paws first and THEN sticks them in the electrical socket to get a more powerful buzz. He says it makes his fur stand up and gives his paws a funny feeling! We suspect that exposure to all that electricity has intensified his gray coloring to a more charred shade, but he says the electricity just makes his eyes sparkle more!
Even though he has some shocking habits, he's still a very friendly little guy! If you adopt Sparky, just make sure you have some of those childproof plastic safety covers for your outlets!
Names: Cara and Carissa
Date of Birth: May 17, 2010
About Us: Cara and Carissa are twins. They are cousins to Grace and are just passing through for a visit! They have new homes here in town and just stopped in to say hi to Grace. However, Grace has already been adopted! They just missed her.
The twins are not only identical in looks, but also in personality! They are always thinking along the same lines. They each finish the others sentences and often say the same thing at the same time! They are best friends and love each other very much. They are each on their way to loving homes and are ready to get home!
Despereaux was placed in Bolivar, MO on 5/14/10 for donation of 51 bouncy balls and stickers to distribute at the orphanage, prescription glasses, two bottles of ibuprofen, one bottle of prenatal vitamins, sharpies and post-it-notes.
Name: Despereaux
Date of Arrival: May 12th 2010
About Me: If you have seen the movie "The Tale of Despereaux", you probably have a pretty good idea of what Despereaux is like. He's very adventurous and chivalrous, and is always up for a quest. He is working on his swordsmanship and acrobatics. His dream is to be able to fly just like Superman! He loves to read fairy tales and is wishing for his own happy ending, to be able to find a family!
This monkey was sent to Nome, Alaska in appreciation for all that Lisa has done to help us raise support for the mission trip. Being made from well-worn socks, he belonged back in Alaska where he had traveled extensively last January inside Monica's boots!
All About STUART:
Name: Stuart
Date of Arrival: May 8, 2010
Unique Fact: Only monkey ever at the orphanage made from used socks. Stuart originated from the heavy wool socks that Monica wore last January while visiting Alaska and trekking through temperatures down to thirty-five degrees below zero. (Stuart is a Bass Pro Monkey with real life Alaska experience, and proud of it! He is a bit worn and snaggly in places, but he says those are just marks of character!)
Stuart is one of the most adventurous monkeys you will ever meet! He loves large, rambunctious, friendly dogs and sled rides! He is always up for any type of adventure. He loves playing in the snow and ice! He enjoys speed skating and ice hockey. His life's dreams are to ride in the "Sled of Death" with his own loving family, and to be an Olympic speed skater.
Even though he is very adventurous, he still loves to curl up next to a roaring fire with a good book!
George was placed in Peculiar, MO on 5/9/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About GEORGE:
Name: George
Date of Arrival: May 5, 2010 (Mother's Day)
George here is one of our most elderly monkeys! He's very calm and relaxed. He credits his longevity to his great love of onions. He loves ALL kinds of onions. He eats them just like popcorn! He likes them sliced, diced, chopped, fried, stewed, boiled, deep fried, baked, mashed, and battered! His favorite though, is an onion sandwich. A layer of onion put between.....two more layers of onion!!!! He even likes onion in his ice cream!!! He's one crazy monkey!
When he's not eating onions, he's out playing golf and swinging on vines. He has already been adopted and is very happy in his new home.
Buddy was placed in Tyler, Texas on 5/8/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About BUDDY:
Name: Buddy
Date of Arrival: April 11, 2010
Buddy is a soft-spoken, shy, intelligent young monkey. Though he is an accomplished athlete specializing in soccer and extreme tree climbing, he still prefers to be a behind the scenes type of monkey. He prefers to follow rather than lead. He has a humble, gentle heart as big as his ears.
Henrietta was placed in Normal, IL on 4/29/10 for a placement fee of $100.
Name: Henrietta
Date of Arrival: April 15, 2010
Unique Feature: First THERMAL Monkey!
About Me: Henrietta loves fashion! She loves changing her appearance all the time!! She likes changing the color of her eyes and likes wearing lots of makeup.
She's a PLUSHED Sized monkey with a heart just as big as her hips! She is our softest, snuggliest monkey so far! She is definitely a couch monkey. If you like long afternoon naps, she's your monkey! 'Comfy' is her middle name! She is a one of a kind and she's delighted to be so unique! She loves to smile!...and she makes everyone else feel like smiling too!
Nadia was placed in Sallisaw, OK on 4/29/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About NADIA:
Name: Nadia
Date of Birth: April 28, 2010
About Me: Nadia is a beautiful dancer! She likes all types of dances! She mostly does ballet but she can breakdance just as good as the next monkey! She has been in several recitals and has received many awards for her dancing. In her spare time, she enjoys the "Great American Past Time" of baseball!! Conveniently she also has a secret apple pie addiction!!
Grace was placed in Peculiar, MO on 4/21/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About GRACE:
Name: Grace
Date of Arrival: April 4, 2010 (Easter Morning)
About Me: Grace is a very bouncy, petite, happy, dancing monkey! She loves all types of dance, but her favorite is ballet. She is always singing and she loves all kinds of music. She's very graceful and elegant, but she can also get down and dirty and play some sports with the guys! She likes shopping and being with family. She loves swimming and scubadiving in the ocean and lying on the beach! Her favorite place to be is in Hawaii, swinging from coconut trees and enjoying the sun!
Martin was placed in Bolivar, MO on 4/21/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About MARTIN:
Name: Martin
Date of Arrival: April 13, 2010
Martin is short and pudgy and totally comfortable in his own skin! He is a funny little guy...the life of the party. He is so confident in his uniqueness that it is contagious...making him a regular trend-setter! He's crazy and is always up for a challenge! He loves playing truth or dare, (dares are his favorite), duck duck goose, and buck buck!!! He is also a big fan of the trashcan game. He is very competitive, but when he loses he's never sore about it.
He's friendly and sweet, but stay on his good side!! (He's a distant relation to Grover...)
River was placed in Bolivar, MO on 4/21/10 for a placement fee of $100....and became:
All About RIVER:
Name: River
Date of Arrival: April 5, 2010
About Me: I bet you could guess by his name, that River loves swimming!!! He can spend hours and hours just playing in the water! He's also won a gold banana for speed swimming as well! River is also does gymnastics, and he loves doing flips and twists off the diving board! He is a very friendly monkey and he likes making new friends all the time. He likes playing in McDonalds play places and especially loves monkey bars at the park.
Eunice placed in Bolivar, MO on 4/18/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About EUNICE:
Name: Eunice
Date of Arrival: 4/12/10
About Me: Eunice loves nature. She loves the birds, the flowers, the sunshine...She even loves the ticks and chiggers! She plays outside with Ransom (the orphanage dog) on occasion and likes riding on her back!
She enjoys walks in the rain, and sitting on her front porch painting storms. She's a very creative monkey! She's like MacGyver. She can make something insanely cool out of gum wrappers and twine!
Eunice has a very big heart and loves all the monkeys and workers at the orphanage!
Blossom was placed in Bolivar, MO on 4/18/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About BLOSSOM:
Name: Blossom
Date of Arrival: 4/18/10
About Me: Blossom is the SWEETEST monkey you could ever adopt. She's friendly, cute, and completely adorable!! She likes being outside and around other animals. She's very encouraging and when you're around her she can always make you feel better. She doesn't let anything get her down!! Blossom loves children and is always ready to have fun :)
Grover was placed in Bolivar, MO on 4/17/10 for $100.
All About GROVER:
Name: Grover
Date of Arrival: April 10, 2010
About Me: Grover has just recently escaped from federal prison to our orphanage! He is a very mischievous monkey that loves to cause problems. He's always playing tricks and pranks on our other monkeys! He has sticky paws and loves a good car chase from the cops! He's a very sneaky stealth monkey, thats how he escaped from prison! You may have to watch out for this one, he's always got some kind of sharp and pointy thing in his pockets...He is currently in rehab for his sneaky, thieving ways. :) Because he is wanted in 49 of the 50 states (the only reason he's not wanted in all 50 is that they haven't found the body yet...he claims he was FRAMED) he has also gone through plastic surgery! Thats why his hair and eyes are green..
However, even though he is a criminal, he is a very likable guy! If you meet him, you will want to help him, no matter what his situation is. He's funny and he always sticks up for his friends. He's very intelligent even if he doesn't like to show it very often. Before he became a wanted criminal, he worked at the movie theater and often gave away free tubs of popcorn.
Please adopt Grover! Once he's finished rehab, he would be the perfect monkey for your home.
Lambchop was placed in Nome, Alaska on 4/12/10 for a placement fee of $75.
Name: Lambchop
Date of Arrival: April 2, 2010
About Me: Lambchop is a very quiet, soft spoken monkey. She's very intellectual and enjoys reading and taking long walks outside. She is a hardcore Facebook junkie and she likes reprogramming computers and other things like that.
Clyde was placed in Nome, Alaska on 4/12/10 for a placement fee of $75.
All About CLYDE:
Name: Clyde
Date of Arrival: April 3, 2010
About Me: Clyde is our biggest monkey yet! However, he's also one of our sweetest. He's a little on the shy side but he loves everyone and everything! Even though he's really big, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Clyde has lots of friends and enjoys spending time with his family.
In his free time, Clyde plays a lot of football and basketball with his friends at a nearby park! He listens to a lot of country music and his favorite singers are Josh Turner and Kenny Chesney. He loves going to the movies, but his favorite movies of all time are "Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, and Terminator 3: Rise of the machines".
Clyde hates heights. Absolutely, positively hates them. Even though he's a monkey, he likes being on the ground more than up in a tree! He's also kind of afraid of deep water and drowning. He hates all types of Mexican food because "It's all too spicy!" he says.
Princess Lokelani ("Rose") was placed placed in Normal, Illinois on 4/10/10 for a placement fee of $100.
Name: Rose
Date of Arrival: April 7, 2010
Petite little Rose is a lost princess. Her true name is Princess Lokelani, but she goes by Rose since leaving the Pacific Island of her birth. She was separated from her sock family under tragic circumstances. After she has grown up and received a thorough education, it is possible that she might choose to return to the small uncharted Pacific Island of her birth to ascend to the throne.
Rose prefers to be pampered. She has ALWAYS wanted a dog of her own and hopes her new family will have a puppy. (Black is her favorite color of dog, but she is flexible!)
(Princess Lokelani was named after Maui’s official flower, the pink lokelani (Rosa damascena), or pink cottage rose. This flower, like the princess named for it, was a transplant, brought to the Islands in the 1800s. The lokelani is the only non-native plant to be recognized as the official flower of any of the Hawaiian islands.)
Agent Mokihana was placed in Normal, Illinois on 4/10/10 for a placement fee of $100.
All About Monkey Agent Mokihana:
Name: Mokihana
Occupation: Secret Service Agent
Date of Arrival: April 8, 2010
Mokihana is the secret service agent assigned to protect Princess Lokelani, so Mokihana will only agree to go to the home that Princess Lokelani is placed in. (In fact, she will INSIST upon going to the home that Princess Lokelani is placed in!)
Mokihana traveled to France early in her career, where she received training in espionage. She apprenticed in Japan under a world renowned martial arts expert. She also spent considerable time in Germany where she honed her expertise in foreign languages. She is fluent in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and numerous Pacific Island native languages.
Regardless of her expansive linguistic knowledge, Mokihana's favorite phrases remain, "Tuck and Roll!" and "Serpentine! Serpentine! Serpentine!" She is a bit of an adrenaline junky. She is stealthy and approaches problems with the no-nonsense ingenuity of a MacGiver. On a personal note, she detests snakes. (Her uncle on her mother's side, a rather inquisitive monkey, was once bitten on the nose by a rather irritable snake--resulting in quite a nasty infection and leaving a permanent scar.) Mokihana would not do well in a home that has any pet snakes. She has been known in the past to reflexively snatch unsuspecting snakes up by the tips of their tails and hurls them into the stratosphere.
Lily was our last practice monkey. She was retained in the orphanage.
All About LILY:
Name: Lily
Date of Arrival: April 1, 2010
Occupation: Fashion Model
About Me: Lily an international fashion model. Ever since the day she was made, she has always loved fashion. She's always wearing the latest trend! Everywhere she goes, she's got her iPod in listening to her favorite songs. In her free time, she plays tennis and golf and she loves to shop!!
Zeke was a practice monkey and as such has been retained at the orphanage.
All About ZEKE:
Name: Zeke
Date of Arrival: April 2, 2010
About Me: Zeke is a very happy-go-lucky monkey! He likes having a good time and is always doing something crazy. He loves being with friends and family. He's always dying his hair a new color to go with his crazy rainbow, tyedye t-shirts! He likes playing basketball and football when he's not at work or partying with friends.
Zeke LOVES music. He listens to a lot of rap and hip hop. His favorite song is "FANATIC" by LeCrae.
"I'm an F A N A T I C, I rep Christ 'til I D I E"
Batmonkey (Loose Brain "Lou") was an early practice monkey. He was retained at the orphanage, however, under the new identity "Zeke" after extensive kid testing necessitated a radical make-over!
All About LOU:
Name: Bat Monkey
Secret Identity: Loose Brain. But his friends call him Lou :)
Date of Arrival: March 26, 2010
Likes: Lou likes wearing capes and spandex and running around the city at night striking fear into the hearts of criminals near and far!!! He also enjoys a good game of football (his favorite team is the Texas Longhorns) and he likes to knit. He loves any good movie, but enjoys comedies the most. He listens to a lot of motivational tapes. "Music.." he says "distracts me from the really important things in life.." Lou has a magnetic personality...well, at least his hands and feet are magnetic!
Dislikes: Lou absolutely hates all platypus. When he was first made, he watched a few too many episodes of "Phineas and Ferb" on Disney Channel....
KEVIN...the monkey who began it all! Our first monkey ever. Retained by the orphanage.
All About KEVIN:
Name: Kevin.
Date of Arrival: February 26, 2010.
Likes: Kevin loves reading, swimming, painting, underwater basket weaving and tree climbing. He also enjoys a good banana every now and then but his favorite food is bacon. He is a trilingual monkey as he speaks English, French, and Arabian.
He listens to a lot of Christian, Country, and Pop music. His favorite song is "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" by the Buckwheat Boys.
Kevin is a dedicated ping-pong player and has played since he was a day old! He enjoys watching soccer, and tennis. He is a very talented chess player and has had a few run-ins with Viswanathan Anand, the world's leading chess master!
Kevin is a hardcore, yelling at the tv, cheering on his favorite player "Survivor" (the tv show) watcher! He watches a lot of movies but his favorite movie is "Taken". He also reads a lot of books but "Dear Mrs. LaRue" (by Mark Teague) is one he reads over and over again.
Dislikes: Kevin, ever since the day he was made, has had a deep set fear of clowns. Their big hair, scary face, and fake smile have always had him climbing up trees!.. He has a strong dislike of all vegetables, and most fruits...except bananas of course!
Personality: Kevin is a very loud, outgoing, bright monkey. He is always talking and having a good time. "Sleep is for the weak", he says. Often, he goes full weeks just running on energy drinks and a couple hours of sleep. He is a hardcore party animal too! He's always at this monkey, or that other giraffe's parties!
Other Ways You Can Help Out: (purchasing a photography session) (donating medical equipment)
If you would like to help out, but don't have room for a monkey in your family, you might be interested in our other fundraiser...outdoor portraits of pets or children:
$50 for a CD containing 100 or more pictures that you can take to Wal-Mart and crop, edit, print for yourself...or...
$75 for a CD containing 100 or more pictures AND the photographer's favorite 20 photographs touched up and cropped to your preferred size for you to take to WalMart and have printed...or...
$100 for a CD containing 100 or more pictures with the photographer's favorite 20 photographs touched up, cropped, and printed.
Just e-mail Monica at
Also, the mission team is collecting donations of gently used medical equipment (such as crutches, walkers, etc); used eye glasses; unopened packages of ibuprofen (motrin), loratidine (clariton), ranitidine (zantac), infant ibuprofen, infant acetaminophen (tylenol), prenatal vitamins, etc!
Other items which can be donated and would be greatly appreciated are small toys in large quantities that we can distribute at the orphanage we will be spending one of our days at. The biggest hits last time the medical team was at the orphanage were the 83 cent flutes we had brought along and the small super bouncy balls! Last time we were able to give a toy to every child in the orphanage as they came through to have their teeth checked and receive treatment for intestinal parasites...the toys made the medicine worth taking and brought a smile to every face! (Last time we distributed toys to nearly 100 children, from toddler age through teenage.)
Another need is for durable picture books for use with the toddlers and young children. The toys must be small and the books light, as priority for packing space goes to medications.
We do not have to have 100 of any one is good to have a variety...and to have things that can be appreciated by the teenagers and other things appropriate for the toddlers! So, if you would like to go shopping and pick up even just five or ten inexpensive, easily transportable items like super bouncy balls, jewelry, flutes, children's picture books etc, we would love to take your gift with us when we go to La Ciudad de Los Ninos orphanage.
If you have something you would be able to donate, please e-mail Monica at
2 sets of crutches
6 large bottles of Ibuprofen
2 large bottles of prenatal vitamins
11 pairs of prescription glasses
$20 to be used to purchase toys for the children at the orphanage.
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